Frustrated said:
I just installed my home Dell Dimension 4700 -- and can't seem
find any MS Office or "Word" options on my "All Programs"
Did you order the computer with Microsoft Office?
Neither Windows XP, nor any other version of Windows, has ever
included Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, or any other
significant application software. Such programs have to be
bought, either by themselves or as part of Microsoft Office.
If your previous computer, running an older version of Windows,
came with these, it was because the vendor who sold them bundled
them as part of the package he sold you, not because that version
of Windows came with them. Some, but not all, vendors do the same
with Windows XP. With Dell, I believe it's an extra-cost option.
The system is supposed to have Windows XP resident, but I'm not
finding any of it.
You're finding Windows XP, but you're not finding Office. As I
said, they are two different things.
Also, I want to be able to convert old Word
Perfect files to Word -- and vice versa, but have thus far been
unsuccesaful in figuring out how to do it. Thanks for your
In WordPerfect, use File | Save as and choose to save the file as
a Word Document. To read a Word file in WordPerfect, choose Open,
and thenm look for *.doc files. Once you've opened a .doc file,
you can save it as a .wpd file, thuis converting it to
You can do the same conversions in Word, but you have to choose
to install the filters to permit this when you install Word.
Note that conversions from one format to the other are usually
pretty successful if the document is a relatively simple one.
With complex documents, the results are sometimes terrible. If
you have trouble with the results, try it both ways: converting
from within Word and converting from within WordPerfect.
Sometimes one is better than the other.