Word is not part of the Internet, so whether or not you can get out of a
specific Internet site (and that's too strange to address just now) is
not relevant.
Do you have a 'taskbar' at the bottom of the screen (has a button called
START at the left)? If so, click the Start button, then click Programs
("All Programs" on certain later model PCs), then in the larger menu
that comes up, find "Microsoft Word" and click it.
If you have no taskbar, you may have the AutoHide feature enabled;
that's where the taskbar resides just below the bottom edge of the
screen, until you move the mouse near the bottom edge of the screen to
resurrect it. Try doing that to get your taskbar. (If that helps, turn
that feature off by right-clicking an empty part of the taskbar,
clicking Properties, and un-checking the box -- you'll see it someplace
there -- that says 'AutoHide the Taskbar.') Now click the Start button
and proceed as above to start Word.
If you still have no taskbar, look at the bottom left of the keyboard.
Find the key with a curvy window on it between the CTRL and ALT keys.
Press it. You should see a the Start Menu appear, even if the taskbar
is somehow dead. Proceed as above to start Word.
If none of these things work, you'll need to find someone nearby to come
look at your machine in person and find out what you're doing wrong.