I have to following code to create a new sheet as the 'Last' sheet in the
book. In other words, each week I need to create a new sheet by copying the
last sheet and pasting it as the 'new' last sheet. I need to know how to
find the last sheet in the book, copy it and create a new last sheet so that
this will execute week after week without using sheet names. "Sheet 3"
below should be 'last sheet' until the 'new' last sheet is created &
renamed. Then I need to find the 'new' last sheet and clear certain
contents to start the new week with a blank (but formatted) sheet. I know
I'm not doing a very good job of explaining this, my apologies.
Thanks for your help!
Bob Howard
Sheets("Sheet3").Copy After:=Sheets(3)
Sheets("Sheet3 (2)").Select
Dim Message, Default, Title, WeekDate
Message = "Enter date for WEEK ENDING"
Default = "Week Ending ??"
WeekDate = InputBox(Message, Title, Default)
Sheets("Sheet3 (2)").Name = "Week Ending " & WeekDate
Sheets("Week Ending 2-21").Select
I have to following code to create a new sheet as the 'Last' sheet in the
book. In other words, each week I need to create a new sheet by copying the
last sheet and pasting it as the 'new' last sheet. I need to know how to
find the last sheet in the book, copy it and create a new last sheet so that
this will execute week after week without using sheet names. "Sheet 3"
below should be 'last sheet' until the 'new' last sheet is created &
renamed. Then I need to find the 'new' last sheet and clear certain
contents to start the new week with a blank (but formatted) sheet. I know
I'm not doing a very good job of explaining this, my apologies.
Thanks for your help!
Bob Howard
Sheets("Sheet3").Copy After:=Sheets(3)
Sheets("Sheet3 (2)").Select
Dim Message, Default, Title, WeekDate
Message = "Enter date for WEEK ENDING"
Default = "Week Ending ??"
WeekDate = InputBox(Message, Title, Default)
Sheets("Sheet3 (2)").Name = "Week Ending " & WeekDate
Sheets("Week Ending 2-21").Select