I have two spreadsheets that have some matching values. Fo
example: RE518602. One big spreadsheet has all of the availabl
numbers and there are many small sheets that have some numbers in them
I need to write a macro that will look at all numbers in a small shee
and find the matching number in the main (big) sheet. After I matc
them I need to extract a different value that is in the same row bu
different column (on the big sheet) and paste it in a column in th
small sheet. (All sheets are in separate workbooks.)
If someone can help me with this problem it would be greatl
Thank you
I have two spreadsheets that have some matching values. Fo
example: RE518602. One big spreadsheet has all of the availabl
numbers and there are many small sheets that have some numbers in them
I need to write a macro that will look at all numbers in a small shee
and find the matching number in the main (big) sheet. After I matc
them I need to extract a different value that is in the same row bu
different column (on the big sheet) and paste it in a column in th
small sheet. (All sheets are in separate workbooks.)
If someone can help me with this problem it would be greatl
Thank you