You’re right, Sue. I misunderstood.
Contacts is the 3rd one listed on my navigation pane; Mail, Calendar,
Contacts, Tasks.
I found the Folder List (a little folder icon at the bottom) and Contacts in
the navigation pane was highlighted when I clicked on the folder icon.
However, when I walk my eyes up the folder hierarchy to the top, I can go no
further than “Personal Folders”. When I right click to get “Properties for
‘Personal Folders”, the General tab tells me the location is “Microsoft
Office Outlook”. Further down that window is another window preceded by
“When posting to this folder, use:…” and “IPM,Post” is selected. I have no
idea what that means. Finally – still in that Properties window – a check
mark appears preceding the sentence “Automatically generate Microsoft
Exchange view.” I believe Microsoft Exchange is a server that permits
multiple users to share files. I’m not engaged in such activity and wonder
if that should be unchecked.
As to finding the location of the Contact file, in the Folder List pane,
with Contacts highlighted, a right click brings the “Contact Properties”
folder up and tells me the location of this file is… “Personal Folders”.
Nothing more. The same “IPM,Contact” and check mark before the MS Exchange
statement appear as well.
So in short, Sue, >> What is the name of that root folder? Does it have a
little house icon next to it?<< the name is “Personal Folders” and it does
have a little house in the icon.
Is it there some way for me to view both of these Contact files side by side
like I can the two Calendars so I can compare the two and decide what to
transfer? Once done, will a simple “Close” command do the trick or is there
a way to get rid of that second Contacts permanently?
Regarding your suggestion to remove BCM from the email profile, it may come
to that. I find the features in BCM intriguing and would like to learn
more …but I also don’t want to get further entangled. I’ll have to weigh the
I don't think you understood what I asked you to do. Try this:
1) In the Contacts navigation pane, click Contacts (the first listing
2) At the bottom of the navigation pane, click the Folder List button.
3) Look in the folder list. You should see the Contacts folder highlighted,
in the context of the information store that contains it. Walk your eyes up
the folder hierarchy until you get to the top folder of the store that
contains the Contacts folder. What is the name of that root folder? Does it
have a little house icon next to it?
Outlook is currently using all .pst files that you see in the folder list.
You can see the path of any .pst file by right-clicking the root folder of
that set of folders in the folder list, choosing Properties, then clicking
If you are not using BCM and don't plan to use it, you might as well remove
it from your email profile (Tools | E-mail Accounts) and lessen some of your
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers