Finding average of 3 results

  • Thread starter Thread starter rogerscmg
  • Start date Start date


Hey Guys,

I have a query that returns to me results of Marketing eMails i have
sent. Right now, the query returns to me this:
1) Open Rate: [Opens]/[Delivered]*100 (Opens and Delivered are user
inputted fields)
2) CTR: [Clicks]/[Opens]*100 ( Again, Clicks and Opens are user
3) Unsub Rate: [Clicks on UNSUS]/[Opens]*100 (same)

Open Rate, CTR and Unsub Rate are calculated directly in the query
window, and are not pulled from the database. ( Of course, the fields
are also calculated in a form i have created, but because the number
changes for each mailing i was told not to store it in the table)

So for each Month, i am going to get a different set of results, there
could be 4 or 9 emails each with different sets of results. What i
need help with is finding the AVERAGE of all the Open Rates per month

SO for instance,

For January, i have 9 emails. For each of those 9 emails, is a
different Open Rate %, CTR% and Unsub %. I need to find the Average
off all 9 emails, for each Open Rate, CTR and Unsub Rate.

Is there any way i could do this?

Thanks so much in advance guys
are you trying to find the average as (open rate+ctr+unsub)/3

or avg(open rate)

I want to find the avg of open rate. and then avg of ctr.

in the querie window i have all the usual fields like Campaign name,
Dae, Segment etc. and then i have 3 calculated fields that calculate
open rate (which is based on taking the data in "opens" whch is a
input field, and dividing it by the input field "delivered" then * by
100 to get a percentage.
well you need to add the totals row just click on view then totals
then a new row will appear in the query builder. then for the
calculated fields select avg and leave any other field as group by the
wones you change to avg may change automatically to expression if so
dont worry it is ok then run the query and hopefully it should work
