Finding a Table



I have over 1,800 Microsoft Databases in 1,104 schools. I designed a special
table for an international testing service.

I noted the table name in my notes, but using the Microsoft Search Engine I
do not know how to find the table.

In fact I cannot find any table.

Does anyone konw how to do this or do I have to purchase a package from
another vendor?

Thanks in Advance


Jeff Boyce


Can you provide a bit more information?

What do you mean by "I cannot find any table"? If you are using a search
engine to find tables in Access files, I don't believe that works...

When you say "I have over 1,800 ... databases", do you mean you have over
1,800 separate .mdb (or .mde, or .accdb/de) files? Each one of those is an
Access database. Are you using "database" to mean "table"?

More info, please...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP



Thanks for getting back to me.

I must maintain a copy of every .mdb database that a school creates. So it
is 1,800 + .mdb databases. Sorry, but education has gotton a lot more
complex than it should be and I cannot remember where I put things from time
to time.

The Microsoft search engine that came with the operating system before 1998
was always able to do this. If there is a way of looking for table AbcXyz
when I cannot remember what database I put it in, how can I find it?

Is there a way that I can do it with the Server 2003? Do I need to but a
package because I kbow it can be done, but I do not know how.

Thanks Again




I tried to post a reply a while ago, but had some internet problems.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Whenever one of my schools creates a .mdb database I must keep a copy.
So when I indicated that I had over 1,800 it was for all my schools as well
as administration. If I am looking for a table named Ggrphy, but I do not
know what .mdb it is in, how do I find it.

I know this worked back with the 1997 operating system, but no longer

Is there something I do not know wbout the search engine? Is there
software out there that I need to purchase?

Thanks Again


John W. Vinson


I tried to post a reply a while ago, but had some internet problems.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Whenever one of my schools creates a .mdb database I must keep a copy.
So when I indicated that I had over 1,800 it was for all my schools as well
as administration. If I am looking for a table named Ggrphy, but I do not
know what .mdb it is in, how do I find it.

I know this worked back with the 1997 operating system, but no longer

You say "this worked" - WHAT worked? What did you do in Windows to find a
table by name in any unspecified database? What version of Windows did you
have then? What now?
Is there something I do not know wbout the search engine? Is there
software out there that I need to purchase?

I've never had the need to do this particular operation, and I'm not aware of
any specific software to do so. You could write VBA or VBScript using the
Dir() function to loop through all your .mdb/.mde files, inspect each one's
Tabledefs collection, and see if db.Tabledefs("Ggrphy") exists, so long as the
databases aren't secured (or that you have joined the appropriate workgroup
and/or supplied the correct database password). It'll be a major PITA but it
could be done!

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