finding a row index

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bernie Yaeger
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Bernie Yaeger

I know how to use various .find methods to identify a row index, but I want
to do the same for 'bookmark' type purposes in a simple datatable loop. For

Dim dainvdtmcrd As New SqlDataAdapter("select imcacct from invdtmcr order by
imcacct", oconn)
Dim dsinvdtmcrd As New DataSet("invdtmcrd")

dainvdtmcrd.Fill(dsinvdtmcrd, "invdtmcrd")

dim irow as Datarow

dim x as integer

For Each irow In dsinvdtmcrd.Tables(0).Rows

x = ???????


The question marks represent the code I don't know: how can I assign from
irow (or the dataset or datatable itself) to xx such that xx would have the
index of each row. What I need to do is code beneath the 'next' to certain

Tx for any help.

Bernie Yaeger
Why do you need an index into the rows? If you want the
equivalent of a bookmark then can't you use a reference to
the row itself?

For Example:

dim irow as Datarow

dim bookmarks as new collection

For Each irow In dsinvdtmcrd.Tables(0).Rows

If <row is to be bookmarked> Then
End If


Alternatively, use an index into the Rows collection
instead of ForEach, as below:

For i = 0 to dsinvdtmcrd.Tables(0).Rows.Count-1
If <row is to be bookmarked> Then
x = i
End If
Next i

Hi Bernie,

To accomplish this, you need to create a DataView object from your table, Sort it then do a Find based on a key value. The following code demonstrates that:

da1.Fill(ds, "Customers")

Dim irow As DataRowView
Dim x As Integer

Dim dv As DataView = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView
dv.Sort = "CustomerID"
For Each irow In dv
x = dv.Find(CType(irow("Customerid"), Object))

or simply

Dim vals(0) As Object

Dim dv As DataView = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView
dv.Sort = "CustomerID"
For Each irow In dv
vals(0) = irow("Customerid")
x = dv.Find(vals(0))

I hope this helps!

Hussein Abuthuraya
Microsoft Developer Support

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