Bernie Yaeger
I know how to use various .find methods to identify a row index, but I want
to do the same for 'bookmark' type purposes in a simple datatable loop. For
Dim dainvdtmcrd As New SqlDataAdapter("select imcacct from invdtmcr order by
imcacct", oconn)
Dim dsinvdtmcrd As New DataSet("invdtmcrd")
dainvdtmcrd.Fill(dsinvdtmcrd, "invdtmcrd")
dim irow as Datarow
dim x as integer
For Each irow In dsinvdtmcrd.Tables(0).Rows
x = ???????
The question marks represent the code I don't know: how can I assign from
irow (or the dataset or datatable itself) to xx such that xx would have the
index of each row. What I need to do is code beneath the 'next' to certain
Tx for any help.
Bernie Yaeger
to do the same for 'bookmark' type purposes in a simple datatable loop. For
Dim dainvdtmcrd As New SqlDataAdapter("select imcacct from invdtmcr order by
imcacct", oconn)
Dim dsinvdtmcrd As New DataSet("invdtmcrd")
dainvdtmcrd.Fill(dsinvdtmcrd, "invdtmcrd")
dim irow as Datarow
dim x as integer
For Each irow In dsinvdtmcrd.Tables(0).Rows
x = ???????
The question marks represent the code I don't know: how can I assign from
irow (or the dataset or datatable itself) to xx such that xx would have the
index of each row. What I need to do is code beneath the 'next' to certain
Tx for any help.
Bernie Yaeger