Faraz, you can try using COUNTIF() in from to check whether any number
exits..Advantages are..
--you can avoid the looping if there are no numbers...
--you can Exit the loop once the count is reached.
Sub Macro1()
Dim strAddress As String, cell As Range
Dim rngTemp As Range
Set rngTemp = Range("A1:J30")
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rngTemp, ">" & (10 ^ 10) * 10) - _
WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rngTemp, ">" & (10 ^ 10) * 100) > 0 Then
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If cell.Value >= (10 ^ 10) * 10 And _
cell.Value < (10 ^ 10) * 100 Then _
strAddress = strAddress & "," & cell.Address
End If
If strAddress <> "" Then Range(Mid(strAddress, 2)).Select
End Sub
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