Finding a DLL's public key value

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I've been working on this problem for a few days and I'm about at my
whit's end for searching, I appreciate any help I can get with this.

I've got a DLL that was signed with a key (using VS 2005). I'm trying
to find the public key value to put into an application's config file
but I'm not having any luck.

Can someone point me to how to determine the key value?

Also, I have VC# 2005 Express, and I can't seem to find the fuslogvw
application to view the errors I'm getting when assemblies trying to
load. Is this something that's not included in the express editions,
or something I have to download?

Thanks for all help,
Update: I found sn -tp mykey.snk ... which should dump the public
key and token, but it's simply returning an error:

failed to convert key to token -- the public key for assembly '(null)'
was invalid.

This has me wondering if my method for signing is incorrect...

Again, any help would be appreciated

I've got a DLL that was signed with a key (using VS 2005). I'm trying
to find the public key value to put into an application's config file
but I'm not having any luck.

Can someone point me to how to determine the key value?

Sn.exe -Tp yourassembly.dll

Thanks Mattias!

I was doing the key file, but doing it on the assembly itself worked

Thanks again,