I am trying to loop through a discharge table and search in an appointment
table for appointments occurring within 7 days of a discharge. Both tables
are linked to another Access 2000 database.
I have opened a DAO recordset from each table then I am looping through the
discharge recordset and using findfirst, as below, looking in the appointment
recordset for records with the same PTID and the appointment match
I have opened both recordsets as dbOpenDynaset and I have confirmed that I
am using the correct version Jet as per Knowledge base yet the nomatch
property is always false even if no appointment for discharge is in the
appointment recordset
strFindCriteria = "[PTID] = '" & rsDisc!PTID & "' AND ([Date] BETWEEN " &
MakeUSDate(rsDisc!DischargeDate) & " AND " & MakeUSDate(DateAdd("d", 7,
rsDisc!dischargeDate)) & ") "
rsAppt.FindFirst (strFindCriteria)
If anyone can help I would be very grateful
table for appointments occurring within 7 days of a discharge. Both tables
are linked to another Access 2000 database.
I have opened a DAO recordset from each table then I am looping through the
discharge recordset and using findfirst, as below, looking in the appointment
recordset for records with the same PTID and the appointment match
I have opened both recordsets as dbOpenDynaset and I have confirmed that I
am using the correct version Jet as per Knowledge base yet the nomatch
property is always false even if no appointment for discharge is in the
appointment recordset
strFindCriteria = "[PTID] = '" & rsDisc!PTID & "' AND ([Date] BETWEEN " &
MakeUSDate(rsDisc!DischargeDate) & " AND " & MakeUSDate(DateAdd("d", 7,
rsDisc!dischargeDate)) & ") "
rsAppt.FindFirst (strFindCriteria)
If anyone can help I would be very grateful