Paul Fenton
We have customer records that list a schedule of payments due for
various construction tasks. That table is also the source of several
aging and receivables reports. As he makes his payment, it's posted
along with the date, and it falls off the reports if there's no
balance due.
We also issue credit memos which show up as a Negative balance due
(don't ask why the boss does it this way).
What he wants me to do when we post that negative balance due is to
find the first record with a balance due >= that credit memo and apply
it to that record. I'll then flag those records so they don't appear
on the reports by a yes/no field [Ignore]
What I need is the FindFirst syntax that will:
1) Find the first record with a balance due => the negative
payment AND
2) is not already flagged from a previous credit memo.
I'm working with something like this:
rs.findfirst "BalDue >= " & strPayment & " AND [me.txtIgnore] = 0"
But it's not working.
Paul Fenton
various construction tasks. That table is also the source of several
aging and receivables reports. As he makes his payment, it's posted
along with the date, and it falls off the reports if there's no
balance due.
We also issue credit memos which show up as a Negative balance due
(don't ask why the boss does it this way).
What he wants me to do when we post that negative balance due is to
find the first record with a balance due >= that credit memo and apply
it to that record. I'll then flag those records so they don't appear
on the reports by a yes/no field [Ignore]
What I need is the FindFirst syntax that will:
1) Find the first record with a balance due => the negative
payment AND
2) is not already flagged from a previous credit memo.
I'm working with something like this:
rs.findfirst "BalDue >= " & strPayment & " AND [me.txtIgnore] = 0"
But it's not working.
Paul Fenton