


I am not sure if this will make sense but here it goes.
I am attampting to create an order entry database. The order entry part is
easy and complete.
What I want to be able to do from here is ship out the order (it will
usually goes as a partial order)
What I am looking for to happen is I want a finder that opens with the
orders that are incomplete. i would then like to be able to select that order
have the order info entered into a subform in which I enter the qty of Items
My question is how do I select an order and then have it pasted into the
Shipment subform?


Hi Jen (is that your name?)

"My question is how do I select an order and then have it pasted into
the Shipment subform?"

make the OrderID a combobox on your shipment form -- store ONLY the
OrderID, which will enable you to relate to all other fields related to
the OrderID in the Orders table

you will NOT duplicate this data in the shipment table!!! the shipment
table will store only OrderID

You can echo Order information that is already stored. For instance, if
the OrderID combo has RowSource:

SELECT O.OrderID, C.Customer, O.OrderDate
FROM Orders as O
INNER JOIN Customers as C
ON O.CustID = C.CustID
ORDER BY C.Customer, O.OrderDate desc;

ColumnCount --> 3
ColumnWidths --> 0;2;1
ListWidth --> 3.2

then, the Customer name will show up in the OrderID textbox

you can get the OrderDate to be displayed in a textbox with:

ControlSource --> OrderID.column(2)

column index starts with 0 so column index 2 is really column 3

read this:

Access Basics
8-part free tutorial that covers essentials in Access

Warm Regards,

remote programming and training

:) have an awesome day :)

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