Find unique relationships


Bob Griendling

From a table that includes all votes by precinct for both gubernatorial and
local legislative races, I am trying to find out how the gubernatorial
candidates did in precincts of specific House districts. However, the
precincts in the House races are coded differently from the precincts in the
gubernatorial races, such that there is no common or unique value that I can
filter by.

So once I set the filters to narrow as best I can without that unique value,
I want to be able to find, for example, only those precincts for which three
records appear (two gubernatorial candidates and the unopposed House

Is there a way to do that?


Bob Griendling

OK. Hope this helps. Here is a smaple from just one precinct.

I'm trying to find out how Kaine and Kilgore, running for Governor,
performed in in all precincts of House district 099. But there are no
common pieces of data. Dist code numbers change depending on whether it's a
"C" (Congressional District) or H (House district.) In other words, how do
I say give me totals for Kaine and Kilgore where C = 001 AND H=009?
ID Date of Election Election Type District type Dist code Loc code
Locality Precinct name Precinct code Offiss code Can rsp no Off title Cand
Issue Votes Recd Reg voters Net chg Temp voters Abs voters In Pers voting
Tot voting Turnout
6 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 03 01
GOVERNOR J W KILGORE (R) 713 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
7 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 03 02
GOVERNOR T M KAINE (D) 548 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
8 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 03 03
GOVERNOR H R POTTS JR (I) 28 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
9 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 03 04
GOVERNOR WRITE INS 0 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
918 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 04
01 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR W T BOLLING (R) 776 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
919 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 04
02 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR L L BYRNE (D) 482 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
920 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 04
03 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR WRITE INS 2 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
1602 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 05
01 ATTORNEY GENERAL R F MCDONNELL (R) 741 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
1603 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 05
02 ATTORNEY GENERAL R C DEEDS (D) 506 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
1604 11/8/2005 General C 001 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101 05
03 ATTORNEY GENERAL WRITE INS 1 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
32785 11/8/2005 General H 099 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101
08 01 HOUSE OF DELEGATES R J WITTMAN (R) 775 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
32786 11/8/2005 General H 099 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101
08 02 HOUSE OF DELEGATES L M CRANDELL (D) 446 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%
32787 11/8/2005 General H 099 033 CAROLINE COUNTY BOWLING GREEN 0101
08 03 HOUSE OF DELEGATES WRITE INS 0 2776 -1 0 44 1258 1302 46.92%

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