I have a football spreadsheet with different picks listed in columns.
For example, one column has picks: Ala, Ala, Ala, Tex, Ala, Tex, etc.
How can I have both names displayed at the bottom of the column: Ala
and Tex? The first name is easy, simply select the top pick in the
column. The second pick is the "other" name. How can this be done?
Ed M.
If there are only two and you want them at the bottom of the column in
separate cells then, say the range holding the picks is A2:A14...
=A2 in A15 for the first (as you stated)
1)) in A16 for the other. This is an array formula so must be entered
using the Ctrl+Shift+Enter key combination.
If there are only two and you want them together in the same cell
separated by a comma and a space then
=A2&", "&INDEX(A2:A14,SMALL(IF(A2:A14<>A2,ROW(A2:A14)-MIN(ROW(A2:A14))
+1,""),1)) in A15. This is an array formula so must be entered using
the Ctrl+Shift+Enter key combination.
If there are more than two and you want them at the bottom of the
column in separate cells then...
MIN(ROW($A$2:$A$14))+1),ROW($A1)))) in A15 filled down to accommodate
the likely maximum number of different picks. This is an array formula
so must be entered using the Ctrl+Shift+Enter key combination.
Ken Johnson