Shyam B
Watch this : (In C# )
IHTMLElement oElement = (IHTMLElement)myChildren.Current;
I have created an object of IHTMLELement interface.
Now when i do the following :
Line 1) oElement.setAttribute("uip_copyZeroLeft",oElement.style.pixelLeft, 0)
Line 2) oElement.setAttribute("uip_copyZeroTop",oElement.style.pixelTop,0);
i.e. i am making new attributes & assigning the already defined values to
them. The issue i get it after the first line is executed, a value of
pixelLeft say 112 is stored in uip_CopyZeroLeft.
Now, when the Line 2 is executed a new attribute is not created(i.e.
uip_CopyZeroTop) is not created rather the previous attribute
uip_CopyZeroLeft is overwritten with the latest value given(i.e. now
uip_CopyZeroLeft stores the value of pixelTop).
This is rather funny.
If anyone can have the will n time to get a fix/a corresponding suggestion
to this problem, i would be really grateful.
Thanking all,
Watch this : (In C# )
IHTMLElement oElement = (IHTMLElement)myChildren.Current;
I have created an object of IHTMLELement interface.
Now when i do the following :
Line 1) oElement.setAttribute("uip_copyZeroLeft",oElement.style.pixelLeft, 0)
Line 2) oElement.setAttribute("uip_copyZeroTop",oElement.style.pixelTop,0);
i.e. i am making new attributes & assigning the already defined values to
them. The issue i get it after the first line is executed, a value of
pixelLeft say 112 is stored in uip_CopyZeroLeft.
Now, when the Line 2 is executed a new attribute is not created(i.e.
uip_CopyZeroTop) is not created rather the previous attribute
uip_CopyZeroLeft is overwritten with the latest value given(i.e. now
uip_CopyZeroLeft stores the value of pixelTop).
This is rather funny.
If anyone can have the will n time to get a fix/a corresponding suggestion
to this problem, i would be really grateful.
Thanking all,