Find the Sunday with min value



I am looking in a range of dates to find the minimum date. Once it is found,
I will find what weekday it is. If it isn't a Sunday, I go to the smallest
Sunday larger than the Minimum date to set the starting point for my code.

I have everything working, except I can't seem to transfer the cell with the
minimum date to a range variable.

This was my latest attempt:
Set rng = Range(fst.Address & ":A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
Set dmin = rng.Find(Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(rng))

dmin is always set to Nothing.

What do I need to do to set dmin as the cell containing the minimum date?

Also, since it is possible that "fst" may not be in column A, is there a
more flexible way to set my "rng" variable?


Bob Phillips

This works for me

iCol = fst.Column
Set rng = Range(fst.Address, Cells(Rows.Count, iCol).End(xlUp))
val = Evaluate("MATCH(MIN(IF(WEEKDAY(" & fst.Address & ")=1," &
fst.Address & "))," & fst.Address & "0)")
Set DMin = fst(val)


Thanks, Bob. I'm getting a Compile Error when I test this code. It tells me
that a function call on the left side of an equation must return a variant or
an object.

Bob Phillips

Is that ob the val line or the Set rng line?

Have you declared these variables at all, if so to what?


Below is what I have been using to test with since your initial response. I
get the error message with the line that starts "val =." This is the error:
"function call on the left side of an equation must return a variant or an

Thank you for your continuing assistance.

Sub test()
Dim icol As Integer
Dim fst As Range, rng As Range, dmin As Range

Set fst = Cells.Find(What:="Date").Offset(1, 0)
icol = fst.Column
Set rng = Range(fst.Address, Cells(Rows.Count, icol).End(xlUp))

Val = Evaluate("MATCH(MIN(IF(WEEKDAY(" & fst.Address & ")=1," & _
fst.Address & "))," & fst.Address & "0)")
Set dmin = fst(Val)

MsgBox dmin

End Sub

Norman Jones

Hi Tjtjjtjt

Try this slight modification:

Sub test()
Dim icol As Integer
Dim fst As Range, rng As Range, dmin As Range
Dim myVal As Long

Set fst = Cells.Find(What:="Date").Offset(1, 0)

icol = fst.Column

Set rng = Range(fst.Address, Cells(Rows.Count, icol).End(xlUp))

myVal = Evaluate("MATCH(MIN(IF(WEEKDAY(" & _
rng.Address & ")=1," & rng.Address & "))," _
& rng.Address & "0)")

Set dmin = rng(myVal)

MsgBox dmin.Value

End Sub



Thanks for all the help. I got the help I needed for this job and to help me
build solutions for a couple of other applications I need to start developing.

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