Find sent email

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bela Gocz
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Bela Gocz

Hi everybody!!

My problem started when i tryed to find a sent email in VB with Outlook
2002. After it send the email, the EntryId of mail item is changed. So i
added an ItemProperty to my message to find it in Sent Items folder. But
I really don't know how to search a message after his ItemProperty

objEmail.ItemProperties.Add "myitem", olText
objEmail.ItemProperties.Item("myitem").Value = "uniqueID"

Set objSearch = Application.AdvancedSearch("'Sent Items'", "...")

Any idea how the DASL search string shoul look like?

Thank you a lot
Am Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:43:08 -0700 schrieb Bela Gocz:

You could simply use the ItemAdd event of that folder.
Am Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:42:41 -0700 schrieb Bela Gocz:

Either you can handle each sent mail or you stick on adding an userdefined
field and check in the event if the item has that field. So you don´t need
to search each time a mail is sent through all the (hundreds?) of sent