Find/Search function doesn't find emails?




I was trying to find an email in my Inbox. I right clicked inbox and chose

I put in the user's name, no items. I put in the subject, no items. I
finally found the email manually and I copied and pasted the subject into the
Find subject and it STILL didn't find it.

What is up with Vista and it's lack of finding anything? I just HATE the
whole index thing. I want to actually FIND all files and not just one the
ones it chooses to index.

I am not sure why Windows Mail isn't finding things but it should at least
find everything with the keyword I entered.

Is there a way to force it to index the whole list of all emails? I can't
seem to figure out Windows Vista Search at all. Boy, do I miss XP.

Any ideas?



lforbes said:

I was trying to find an email in my Inbox. I right clicked inbox and chose

I put in the user's name, no items. I put in the subject, no items. I
finally found the email manually and I copied and pasted the subject into
Find subject and it STILL didn't find it.

What is up with Vista and it's lack of finding anything? I just HATE the
whole index thing. I want to actually FIND all files and not just one the
ones it chooses to index.

I am not sure why Windows Mail isn't finding things but it should at least
find everything with the keyword I entered.

Is there a way to force it to index the whole list of all emails? I can't
seem to figure out Windows Vista Search at all. Boy, do I miss XP.

Any ideas?

It often helps to search for their full email address, not just their name.


No, I tried that. I tried email and name etc. I did an entire re-index of my
documents folder so maybe that will fix it.

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