When does the executable name change?
Does it change while the process is running? (I don't believe this is
Or are you saying your application looks for a process named "X", however,
the application keeps getting renamed "X", "Y", "Z" so you cannot hardcode
in your application the name of the process to lookup?
I'm not aware of another way to determine a process (that's not saying there
isn't another way though).
Maybe we can solve your problem a different way. Could you give more
information on what the situation is and what you are trying to accomplish.
Do you control the name of this other process? How often does this other
process change it's name?
If you control the other process name and/or if does not change frequently
you may be able to use a config file, however, then you are still having to
update that config file on each client everytime the you expect the process
name to change. If the clients are always connected you could have a
central config file on a server that you update.
Let us know more about the problem,
Tom Krueger
Smart Client DevCenter -
Mobile DevCenter -
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