I want to do this:
if I use Thread.CurrentThread.IsAlive then I have to do a do .. loop or
something because I do not want that the Code is going on untill the Thread
What can I do to not use a do loop (because then my whole machine is
The Problem is that I wanted to do some kind of interaction in Web.
In Web the Code runs on the Server.
So If you need Input from the Client you always have to go back to the
The started Thread calls a DLL of a User which uses our API Function.
The User call a function from our DLL.
This function returns a Inoput from the Client Side........
I have to possibilities to do this.
The easy one:
Using Events.
But then the Logic of the User DLL has to be cut in to parts.
The luxourious one:
Running the UserDLL Sub as a Thread.
Then the Developer User calling our API Function (GetMeInputfromTheUser)
If in the API Funtion I abort the Thread.
Now the Routine that started the thread should go one with running
and get back to the client.
The Client makes the input, sends it back to the server.
I continue the Thread give the UserDLL the Input
and the User DLL rubns on with it's code.
An easier way where to do it without threads and
make some kind of Child request to the Client.....
But I don't know how to do this and somebody tells me this is not