Find out address from car registration number


Feb 23, 2002
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A little bit of background for this one :)... We live in a block of flats where there are allocated spaces, and there are signs up saying this everywhere. It's in the city centre, so getting parking nearby is a nightmare - everyone living here knows that you need your own bay and a code is needed to get through the parking gates.

Anyway, someone has been parking in our bay for the last few days - meaning I had to park 15/20 mins away. I stuck a note on the car on the first day asking them to move it, and added a less polite one stuck to the rear windscreen this time.

I wanted to know if there was a way to find out the registration address of whoever owned the car, as it doesn't look like they are moving any time soon and there isn't anything I can do to move it. If I have the address, it may be someone living in a nearby block and I can ask them to shift it. Is that possible to find out, as I'm sure I heard that it can be done, but I can't find anything via Google. I would have guessed that it isn't possible to do this, so I'm not surprised if that is indeed the case.

The building management company is useless and I can't get hold of the caretaker that is supposed to be able to clamp cars (which wouldn't be much use, as I just want to car my car parked!).
Here it can be done via SMS (costs €2). Takes ten seconds.
I used to have a couple of friends in the force who done that thing for me but it's probably illegal ;)

I found out the name and address of a lorry driver who had collided with my parked car back in the eighties, a guy working opposite took the lorry's number. Was he ever surprised when I knocked on his front door.

Of course, there's always the option of taking a Stanley Knife to the intruder's tyres ;)

It's also a nightmare to park where I live atm.
tell the AA, RAC whoever that you new car has broken down & can they come haul it away

I'm in with using a sharp implement :D
If you shove a potato in a car's tailpipe, will the car explode?

I am very tempted by all these revenge ideas, believe me :lol:
Let's hope that the "seagull of vengeance" who has feasted too well on disgarded take-away, will fly in on a low bombing-mission. May his aim be straight, true and splattery!! ;)
Have you someone who owns a 4x4.

If so tow [drag] the offending car away not to far and leave it in the middle of a main road, do it at night.

I have done that:nod: .

no problem after
itsme said:
Have you someone who owns a 4x4.

If so tow [drag] the offending car away not to far and leave it in the middle of a main road, do it at night.

I'd do that if it were possible - the problem is that this parking space is a real problem to park in at the best of times (if we didn't have a little fiesta I don't know if we could reverse in to it). We wouldn't be able to tow it out as it would need to be pulled at a right angle :(

I've been on the phone to the management company today and they aren't able to do much - although we do have warning signs about private clamping, there doesn't seem to be a contract with a company in place. I'm having a read to see if this can be done anyway (or ideally towed!), as I suspsect that whoever parked in the space doesn't even live here and intends on leaving it there for some time.
Hmm, ok, forget the tyre slashing, that would just make it almost impossible to move.

Perhaps an automatic centre punch, dead of night, every single window and wing mirrors.

That would be a good hint :)
Report it to the police as being dumped, they should put a sticker on it telling the owner to move it asap. If it hasn't gone in a couple of days hopefully the police will tow it away

Other option is to paint a message on the bonnet etc with some battery acid, it'll strip the paint back to the bare metal so the message will be clear to read
Me__2001 said:
Other option is to paint a message on the bonnet etc with some battery acid, it'll strip the paint back to the bare metal so the message will be clear to read
PLEASE what ever you do, do it lawfully!
Damaging the offending car will be criminal damage and could land you in court!
Report it to your local police station & ask your landlord etc to clamp the vehicle.

Their ends my talk on the law.
feckit said:
PLEASE what ever you do, do it lawfully!
Damaging the offending car will be criminal damage and could land you in court!
Report it to your local police station & ask your landlord etc to clamp the vehicle.

Perfectly sensible.

And we all know we get good results in cases like this by sticking within the law don't we?

Of course we do :)

Listen up, let me tell you about Squatters rights.

It is a little known fact that..... ;)

We each got our own ways, sometimes the way we do things aren't by the book but this is the real world.

Myself, I've done all of the things mentioned above and have a clear conscience.

There was this drunk driver that drove straight into the back of my works van, wrecking it, then knocked on my door and slurringly asked me not to report him to the police cos he'd 'Had a few drinks, know what I mean?' Must have been around '86.

I told him I was calling the police and he called me something not very nice and staggered away down the road. Before the police arrived, with the aid of a hammer, wire snips and a stanley knife, I wrote his car off.

The police noticed it had been damaged and quipped 'He sustained quite a bit of damage in the crash eh?'

Indeed he did :)
Ring the cops and tell them you think kids are using for selling drugs.....that should get it noticed for ya and it will be moved
Brake fluid all over the car. Will seep into the paint work and in about a month it will start to flake off and the car will then rust. Even if they do get it resprayed it will just eat it's way back out again. haha.

OR, I would suggest a call to the local police station to find out what you can do. Does the car move or has it been dumped?
Yeah, I'm going to speak to the local policeman and ask if he can advise on what can be done -there's a big sign with his name and photo in the apartment lobby, along with a contact no. for local issues.

It doesn't seem right that I've just got to wait for this person to move, so I'm sure something can be done. I just hope they shift the car soon.