Find number closest to 0



I want to find the number in a column that is closest to 0 (number may be
positive or negative) and return a number in an adjacent cell, if no number
in the adjacent cell I want the next number that is closest to 0 that does
have a number in the adjacent cell.
offset chainage
22.693 215.459
24.099 231.342
93.596 355.034

I want 215.459 to be returned.

Ron Rosenfeld

I want to find the number in a column that is closest to 0 (number may be
positive or negative) and return a number in an adjacent cell, if no number
in the adjacent cell I want the next number that is closest to 0 that does
have a number in the adjacent cell.
offset chainage
22.693 215.459
24.099 231.342
93.596 355.034

I want 215.459 to be returned.

Enter this as an **array** formula:


To enter an **array** formula, hold down <ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>.
If you do it correctly, Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.


Thanks mate that works

Ron Rosenfeld said:
Enter this as an **array** formula:


To enter an **array** formula, hold down <ctrl><shift> while hitting <enter>.
If you do it correctly, Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.

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