I have the following code that tests if a number is already used, but I would
like to modify it so that a user can click a command button and have the
combo populate with the next free number.
strWhere = "(bidder_ID = " & Nz(Me.txt_bidder_number, 0) & _
")And (sale_ID = " & Nz(Me.txt_sale_ID, 0) & ")"
If IsNull(Me.txt_cont_bidder_ID) = True Then
varResult = DLookup("bidder_ID", "tbl_cont_bidder", strWhere)
'MsgBox "Checking candidate number"
If Not IsNull(varResult) Then
MsgBox "This bidder number is already in use. Please choose
Me.frame_perm_bidder = Null
Exit Sub
'MsgBox "No Matches - Query would run here"
End If
End If
That code checks that the entered bidder_ID does not already exist in
[tbl_cont_bidder] with the current [sale_ID].
So what we are looking for is to populate with the next [bidder_ID] that
does not have an associated record in [tbl_cont_bidder] for the current
Clear as mud?
like to modify it so that a user can click a command button and have the
combo populate with the next free number.
strWhere = "(bidder_ID = " & Nz(Me.txt_bidder_number, 0) & _
")And (sale_ID = " & Nz(Me.txt_sale_ID, 0) & ")"
If IsNull(Me.txt_cont_bidder_ID) = True Then
varResult = DLookup("bidder_ID", "tbl_cont_bidder", strWhere)
'MsgBox "Checking candidate number"
If Not IsNull(varResult) Then
MsgBox "This bidder number is already in use. Please choose
Me.frame_perm_bidder = Null
Exit Sub
'MsgBox "No Matches - Query would run here"
End If
End If
That code checks that the entered bidder_ID does not already exist in
[tbl_cont_bidder] with the current [sale_ID].
So what we are looking for is to populate with the next [bidder_ID] that
does not have an associated record in [tbl_cont_bidder] for the current
Clear as mud?