Find method



Can i find the particular value is there from another sheet.?

I mean i have 2 sheet. first sheet name is Report. Second sheet name i
Data. Now my control is pointing in to Repor sheet. Now i want to fin
the particular values row number and particular value is there in dat
sheet with out navigate to that sheet. Using this method.

Cells.Find(What:="6", After:=Activecell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:= _

Because i have to find many types of values like this. so i dont wan
navigate to that sheet. I feel this is time consuming. so can i fin
the particular values row from another sheet


you can run a macro from any sheet
suppose the following macro is in your vb editor
and you have sheet1 in front both the msgboxed will be in sheet1

the macro
ublic Sub test()
Dim cfind As Range
With Worksheets("sheet2").UsedRange
Set cfind = .Find("6") 'note the dot before find
End With
MsgBox cfind.Worksheet.Name
MsgBox cfind.Address
End Sub

modify to suit you

"ramkumar_cpt" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

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