Excel 2003 - I have a number of spreadsheets that are set up in a similar
fashion and are used basically as databases. I use the Ctrl+F function alot
to search for the correct data. The problem I am having is the the Ctrl+F
function. Some of them I can do a search and will find the data with no
issues, while other spreadsheets I have to change "Look in:" to Values from
Formulas even though the spreadsheets are set up in the same fashion with the
same sort of data in each column. Why is this? And how do I fix it? Can I set
the Ctrl+F function to look in values as a default?
fashion and are used basically as databases. I use the Ctrl+F function alot
to search for the correct data. The problem I am having is the the Ctrl+F
function. Some of them I can do a search and will find the data with no
issues, while other spreadsheets I have to change "Look in:" to Values from
Formulas even though the spreadsheets are set up in the same fashion with the
same sort of data in each column. Why is this? And how do I fix it? Can I set
the Ctrl+F function to look in values as a default?