Steve Hayes
Is there any way to set Find Fast so that it begins its indexing when *I* want
to do it, like 3:00 am?
And also, so that it tells me that it is running, and that a virus hasn't
taken control of my computer?
Once it starts, the only way I can continue working is to switch the power off
and restart the computer -- it takes control so completely that it is
impossible to do a normal shut-down to stop it. And then I have to wait 10
minutes for the computer to reboot -- very frustrating when I'm trying to meet
a deadline and it hi-jacks my computer at 9:30 am.
to do it, like 3:00 am?
And also, so that it tells me that it is running, and that a virus hasn't
taken control of my computer?
Once it starts, the only way I can continue working is to switch the power off
and restart the computer -- it takes control so completely that it is
impossible to do a normal shut-down to stop it. And then I have to wait 10
minutes for the computer to reboot -- very frustrating when I'm trying to meet
a deadline and it hi-jacks my computer at 9:30 am.