then paste the current values in Worksheet1,cells (A1:F1) to
(a1:f1). ( having trouble copying the cells in worksheet 1(A1:f1) to
the empty cells
(a1:f1) IN worksheet 2
I am using worksheet 2 as a database worksheet, so it is important to
save the data in worsheet 1.
Also, how do the below statements fit into the subrouutine
worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:F1").Value = _
the above code does what you state.
I hope you can figure out what I need to do.
I tried - but most of what you write sounds like blither speak.
for instance:
I want to write a Macro that finds the first empy column in Range
(A1:IU),cells A1:F1=" ",
A1:IU - what is that supposed to mean? IU is a column Reference, A1 is a
cell reference. I assumed you wanted the the last column which is IV and
the first row A1:IV1
What is [,cells A1:F1=" "] supposed to mean in that context. Assumed A1:F1
are empty cells - but what is the significance. If you want the first empty
column after F1, then why say A1:IU, say G1:IV1 or whatever you mean.
for each cell in Range("G1:IV1")
if application.countA(cell.Resize(6,1)) = 0 then
exit for
end if
Note that a cell that has a space in it is not empty.
Tom Ogilvy
Mike said:
Thanks for responding but I am still having trouble with the program
I will rewrite the question and maybe you can see what I am not understanding. Range
(A1:IU),cells A1:F1=" ", in worksheet2** the whole column does not have to be empty just the
first 6 rows. Worksheet2,
(a1:f1). ( having trouble copying the cells in worksheet 1(A1:f1) to the empty cells
(a1:f1) IN worksheet 2
I am using worksheet 2 as a database worksheet, so it is important
to save the data in worsheet 1.