Find Command



I want to use the find command to find a cell that has a
specific value in the A column and the B column. I know
how to use the find command to find the row with the
value in the A column, but not when there is both. Thank

Here is how I find the value in the A column

With wks_W.Range("A4:A" & WorksheetFinalRow)
Set n = .Find(answervalue, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not n Is Nothing Then
i = n.Row
End With

Jim Rech

In theory... After setting N check whether N.Offset(0,1).Value = "your
value". If yes you're done, if not do a FindNext and repeat.

Jim Rech
Excel MVP
|I want to use the find command to find a cell that has a
| specific value in the A column and the B column. I know
| how to use the find command to find the row with the
| value in the A column, but not when there is both. Thank
| you.
| Here is how I find the value in the A column
| With wks_W.Range("A4:A" & WorksheetFinalRow)
| Set n = .Find(answervalue, LookIn:=xlValues)
| If Not n Is Nothing Then
| i = n.Row
| End With

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