Find Command



I can't figure out why this isn't working. I am getting
a "Object Required" compiler error after the n =

With wks_S.Range("B2:B" & SectionsFinalRow)
Set n = .Find(1922892106,LookIn:=xlValues)

Thank you

JE McGimpsey

What have you Dim'd n as?

When you use Set, n must be an object, in this case a Range.


I have it set as an integer because I later use that
number to call upon that row. What should I set it to?


Here is what I have. I am now getting an overflow
error. Thanks a lot for the help.

Dim c As Range
Dim n As Integer

With wks_S.Range("B2:B" & SectionsFinalRow)
Set c = .Find(1922892106,LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
n = c.Value
End If
End With

Frank Kabel

quite normal as this value is more than an integer can store. Try:
Dim n As double


Thank you so much for all of your help. However, it
still isn't working just right. I want n to be the row
of the location of this cell. It is giving me the value.

Dim c As Range
Dim n As Double

With wks_S.Range("B2:B" & SectionsFinalRow)
Set c = .Find(1922892106,LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
n = c.Value

End If
End With
-----Original Message-----
quite normal as this value is more than an integer can store. Try:
Dim n As double

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

Here is what I have. I am now getting an overflow
error. Thanks a lot for the help.

Dim c As Range
Dim n As Integer

With wks_S.Range("B2:B" & SectionsFinalRow)
Set c = .Find (1922892106,LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
n = c.Value
End If
End With

-----Original Message-----
you have to define n as range and access its value with

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

I have it set as an integer because I later use that
number to call upon that row. What should I set it to?

-----Original Message-----
What have you Dim'd n as?

When you use Set, n must be an object, in this case a

Frank Kabel

n = c.row

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

Thank you so much for all of your help. However, it
still isn't working just right. I want n to be the row
of the location of this cell. It is giving me the value.

Dim c As Range
Dim n As Double

With wks_S.Range("B2:B" & SectionsFinalRow)
Set c = .Find(1922892106,LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
n = c.Value

End If
End With
-----Original Message-----
quite normal as this value is more than an integer can store. Try:
Dim n As double

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