Does anyone know how to implement find and replace in a
RichTextBox in a way that does not lose the text
As a first attempt I tried rtb.Rtf.Replace(sFindText,
sReplaceText) , but that's no good since .Rtf includes all
the formatting codes, and .Replace will change richtext
codes that shouldn't be changed.
I know I can't set the .Text or .SelectedText properties
of the RichTextBox because that would kill the formatting.
Any ideas or examples? Thanks!
Does anyone know how to implement find and replace in a
RichTextBox in a way that does not lose the text
As a first attempt I tried rtb.Rtf.Replace(sFindText,
sReplaceText) , but that's no good since .Rtf includes all
the formatting codes, and .Replace will change richtext
codes that shouldn't be changed.
I know I can't set the .Text or .SelectedText properties
of the RichTextBox because that would kill the formatting.
Any ideas or examples? Thanks!