
I have previously posted two postings about this subject
but I guess there's no way to do automatically what I need
to do so I've started doing EDIT/FIND/PASTE manually 3,400
times to paste the blocks of formulas in my worksheet.

(As a result, my mouse-hand, -fingers and -arm are numb
and I've done only half of my worksheet).



I'm not sure what kind of formulas you need posted in
the cells, but try this little macro on a test spread-
sheet. If you have problems or questions, contact me
at (e-mail address removed) (remove nospam in
address) I'll try to get back to you later...

Maybe you can play with this for a starter. It reads
cells in col A and stops at the first blank cell:

Sub DoFormulas()
Dim r As Range
Dim c As Range
Set r = Range("A1:A65536")
Dim Formula As String
Formula = "Frm"
Dim colCnt, colVal, j, k As Integer
For Each c In r
colCnt = c.Row
colVal = c.Value
Formula = "Frm" & Str(colVal)
If colVal = "" Then Exit Sub
For j = 1 To 6
For k = 0 To colVal
c.Offset(k, j) = Formula
Next k
Next j
Next c
End Sub


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