find and paste formula



Alright everyone, I know very very little about programing a function in
Now that we have that out of the way this is what I'm looking at.

My boss gave me two excel sheets one is 626 rows and the other is 13000
rows and 256 columns. My job is to take a gene ID(listed in document 1),
search for it in document two, then once it is found it needs to
identify the cell in column A of what ever row it was found in and
paste it back in document 2.

Document 1's set up isn't important, but document 2 is setup as such:

Every cell in column A is the name that I need pasted, and in the rest
of the cells in that row is where I will find the gene ID from document
1. Let me write an example.

TC38123 CB61619 CD78923 DG909288
TC90123 CD99203 JR18239 JX920347

And document 2 continues on in this manner for a very long time.

So lets say I'm searching for CD78923 it will be found in C1, then I
will look in column A of that same row to find the ID TC38123, then I
paste that back in document 2. That is what I need a formula for and so
I ask you all for your help, because if I can't get a formula then I
have to do it all by hand...:eek:

And I already posted this is Programming but I think that was the wrong
place for it.


I think this might work for you. In document 1, Column B, enter this formula
(change file and sheet names as needed):


Enter this as an array formula. Use CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER instead of just Enter.

Copy the formula down Column B for each value in Column A.



Hi Taru,

If you always want to look for the number in column C then you can do a
Vlookup. Try reading about that and if you are still stuck. let me know.


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