Hockey Mom
First!!!.....make sure you have a backup copy of your workbook.
With your workbook open in Excel......
ALT + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor
On Menu go to View>Project Explorer(you may already be there).
Select your workbook/project by name.
Right-click on the project and select Insert>Module or on the Menu select
A blank window will be opened.
Copy the code from Dave's or Kevin's posting.
Paste it into the blank module. Substitute your word in place of "abc" by
normal editing methods. Leave the quote marks around your word.
ALT + F11 to go back to Excel.
Select the macro by name and "Run"
That should generate a deletion of all rows which have been found with "the
word" therein.
When satisfied with the results. Save the workbook which will also save the
macro code.
For more info on getting started with Macros visit David McRithchie's site
Gord Dibben XL2002 and 11 years as a Hockey Dad but glad it's over.