Tom C
How can I, with one single formula, find a value in a
range of n values that has the largest absolute difference
compared to a given reference value?
A1: 5 (reference)
B2: 3
B3: 8
B4: 6
The range to search is B2:B4, and the wanted value would be
8 (B3), as the differences are abs(3-5)=2, abs(8-5)=3, abs
range of n values that has the largest absolute difference
compared to a given reference value?
A1: 5 (reference)
B2: 3
B3: 8
B4: 6
The range to search is B2:B4, and the wanted value would be
8 (B3), as the differences are abs(3-5)=2, abs(8-5)=3, abs