Find a name...very urgent

  • Thread starter Thread starter agpaco
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I have a big list of clients. Usuallly don´t know all name when I search,
sometimes is the first name, middle, last... The name is in a unique field
that I can´t change. In a form, I want to write one name, for example Mary,
and have a list with all names that have Mary. Then I write Brown and have a
list with all names with Mary and Brown, and so on till the person I reallly

In query design view, below the name fieild, in the Criteria row, type this --
Like "*" & [Enter name] & "*"

When you run the query it will find the name you type in at the prompt.
But, for example, if I have a name like Ann Mary Tracy Brown, I write Mary
and he list all Mary. I need that he acumulate what I want and what I write,
and automatically in a subform list the result, almost like a filter.

"KARL DEWEY" escreveu:
In query design view, below the name fieild, in the Criteria row, type this --
Like "*" & [Enter name] & "*"

When you run the query it will find the name you type in at the prompt.

Build a little, test a little.

agpaco said:
I have a big list of clients. Usuallly don´t know all name when I search,
sometimes is the first name, middle, last... The name is in a unique field
that I can´t change. In a form, I want to write one name, for example Mary,
and have a list with all names that have Mary. Then I write Brown and have a
list with all names with Mary and Brown, and so on till the person I reallly

I need that he acumulate what I want and what I write,
Please rephrase what you said here as I do not understand it.
Maybe posting examples would help.

Build a little, test a little.

agpaco said:
But, for example, if I have a name like Ann Mary Tracy Brown, I write Mary
and he list all Mary. I need that he acumulate what I want and what I write,
and automatically in a subform list the result, almost like a filter.

"KARL DEWEY" escreveu:
In query design view, below the name fieild, in the Criteria row, type this --
Like "*" & [Enter name] & "*"

When you run the query it will find the name you type in at the prompt.

Build a little, test a little.

agpaco said:
I have a big list of clients. Usuallly don´t know all name when I search,
sometimes is the first name, middle, last... The name is in a unique field
that I can´t change. In a form, I want to write one name, for example Mary,
and have a list with all names that have Mary. Then I write Brown and have a
list with all names with Mary and Brown, and so on till the person I reallly

I would like to offer to implement this in your database for you. I provide
help with Access, Excel and Word applications for a small fee. My fee to
help you would be very modest. Contact me and I will get you up and running

(e-mail address removed)
I have a big list of clients. Usuallly don´t know all name when I search,
sometimes is the first name, middle, last... The name is in a unique field
that I can´t change. In a form, I want to write one name, for example Mary,
and have a list with all names that have Mary. Then I write Brown and have a
list with all names with Mary and Brown, and so on till the person I reallly


What is the structure of your table? Are all the names in one field, do you
have FirstName, LastName and MiddleName fields? Are you assuming that names
are unique? Because they're NOT: I once worked with Dr. Lawrence David Wise,
Ph.D., and his colleague Dr. Lawrence David Wise, Ph.D. Larry was a tall,
blond, affable chemist, L. David was a stocky, dark, taciturn biologist... but
they would have broken your design.
I would like to offer to implement this in your database for you. I provide
help with Access, Excel and Word applications for a small fee. My fee to
help you would be very modest. Contact me and I will get you up and running

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discussion group, chat, or other community.

Steve chooses to ignore these rules.
Steve said:
I would like to offer to implement this in your database for you. I provide
help with Access, Excel and Word applications for a small fee. My fee to
help you would be very modest. Contact me and I will get you up and running


Stevie is our own personal pet troll who is the only one who does not
understand the concept of FREE peer to peer support!
He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices.

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many highly qualified individuals who gladly help for free. Stevie
is not one of them, but he is the only one who just does not get the idea of
"FREE" support. He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices. If he
was any good, the "thousands" of people he claims to have helped would be
flooding him with work, but there appears to be a continuous drought and he
needs to constantly grovel for work.

Please do not feed the trolls.

John... Visio MVP

I understand what you want, barely, but you didn't tell us if you have a
form/subform set-up or form/listbox set up... A wee bit more details needs.

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

But, for example, if I have a name like Ann Mary Tracy Brown, I write Mary
and he list all Mary. I need that he acumulate what I want and what I write,
and automatically in a subform list the result, almost like a filter.

"KARL DEWEY" escreveu:
In query design view, below the name fieild, in the Criteria row, type
this --
Like "*" & [Enter name] & "*"

When you run the query it will find the name you type in at the prompt.

Build a little, test a little.

agpaco said:
I have a big list of clients. Usuallly don´t know all name when I
sometimes is the first name, middle, last... The name is in a unique
that I can´t change. In a form, I want to write one name, for example
and have a list with all names that have Mary. Then I write Brown and
have a
list with all names with Mary and Brown, and so on till the person I


What I think the poster is asking for is once you select Like *Mary* for
those results to be displayed somewhere. I'm just not sure where that
somewhere would be.

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Please rephrase what you said here as I do not understand it.
Maybe posting examples would help.

Build a little, test a little.

agpaco said:
But, for example, if I have a name like Ann Mary Tracy Brown, I write Mary
and he list all Mary. I need that he acumulate what I want and what I
and automatically in a subform list the result, almost like a filter.

"KARL DEWEY" escreveu:
In query design view, below the name fieild, in the Criteria row, type
this --
Like "*" & [Enter name] & "*"

When you run the query it will find the name you type in at the prompt.

Build a little, test a little.

agpaco said:
I have a big list of clients. Usuallly don´t know all name when I
sometimes is the first name, middle, last... The name is in a unique
that I can´t change. In a form, I want to write one name, for example
and have a list with all names that have Mary. Then I write Brown and
have a
list with all names with Mary and Brown, and so on till the person I

Have you considered using the find Selection item in the right-click menu
(assuming that you're displaying the records in a continuous form). You can
enter *Mary* in the textbox on the menu, and only those records will be
shown. You can then do it again, and enter *Brown*, and you'll only get
records with both Mary and Brown. As many times as you want, narrowing the
returned records each time.


Thanks for all your help, but this is just what I need. Already try and is

"KenSheridan via" escreveu:
Create a continuous forms view form based on your clients table, and in the
form header put an unbound text box named txtNames with a label such as:

'Enter a list of client names separated by commas, e.g. Mary, Brown'

In the text box's AfterUpdate event procedure out code like this:

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strNameList As String
Dim strName As String

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Clients] WHERE"
strNameList = Trim(Nz(Me.ActiveControl, ""))

Do While strNameList <> ""
If InStr(strNameList, ",") > 0 Then
strName = Trim(Left(strNameList, InStr(strNameList, ",") - 1))
strSQL = strSQL & " [ClientName] LIKE ""*" & strName & "*"" AND"
strNameList = Mid(strNameList, InStr(strNameList, ",") + 1)
strName = Trim(strNameList)
strSQL = strSQL & " [ClientName] LIKE ""*" & strName & "*"" AND"
strNameList = ""
End If

If Right(strSQL, 4) = " AND" Then
strSQL = Left(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 4)
strSQL = Left(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 6)
End If

Me.RecordSource = strSQL

You'll be able to enter names cumulatively in the text box, separating each
by a comma. Pressing the Enter or Tab key after entering each name will
requery the form to restrict it to those names containing all the names
entered. Note that you'll probably get discrepancies, e.g. William would
return any client name Williamson as well as those named William. Deleting
the names from the text box will show all clients.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
I have a big list of clients. Usuallly don´t know all name when I search,
sometimes is the first name, middle, last... The name is in a unique field
that I can´t change. In a form, I want to write one name, for example Mary,
and have a list with all names that have Mary. Then I write Brown and have a
list with all names with Mary and Brown, and so on till the person I reallly


Message posted via

agpaco said:
I have a big list of clients. Usuallly don´t know all name when I search,
sometimes is the first name, middle, last... The name is in a unique field
that I can´t change. In a form, I want to write one name, for example
and have a list with all names that have Mary. Then I write Brown and have
list with all names with Mary and Brown, and so on till the person I
