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I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score

{Shameless Spamming ON}

I 'run' a program called Find-a-Drug, it a little program that concentrate on finding a cure for Cancer, among other things if you like, by testing molecules.

Any-one with a PC can help the research by downloading the THINK software. This software runs in background or as a screen-saver so that it does not interfere with normal use of the PC. When the computer is not otherwise being used, the software evaluates the potential of molecules to interact with a protein target. Each molecule that is predicted to interact with the target is considered a "hit" and may become a new drug for treating an important disease. Jobs consisting of about 10,000 molecules are downloaded from the Internet and the list of hits returned. A typical job runs for 6-12 hours on an average PC. The data files downloaded from the Find-a-Drug servers are encrypted as a precaution against a virus or other harmful agent being introduced to the computers.

It is a very simple program that WILL NOT affect the normal running of your PC, even when playing games ... Floppy will back me up here, as will Find-a-Drug Forum.

Now a word of warning ... your PC WILL run your CPU at 99% ... if it aint doing anything, and, as a result may (more than likely) raise the CPU temp by a bit ... so keep an eye on them temps for the first 15mins or so. Runs on Linux too. ;)

There is also a "fun side" to running FaD ... isn't there Flopps ... by joining a "Team" and competing against other Teams for points and position on the 'League' table ... you don't win anything, you get no prizes and your electricity bill will climb through the roof if you leave your system on 24/7, especially if you have more than one PC.

But, there is a sense of satisfaction, that one day, we, will find a Cure for Cancer.

Oh, and the TEAM number to join is 2250...

{Shameless Spamming OFF}

ON THE OTHER HAND ... Ian has said, "If there enough people interested" he would be pleased to form a "PCReview Team" ... list you interest here in this thread, you don't need to be a BIG team, and you can just be an individual, but it aint arf fun being in a team.

Want to know more? pop over to 'Find-a-Drug' forum ... or ask here, and I'll try and answer your questions. :thumb:

Edit : PC Review Team is now active (2250).

Floppy is banned from posting here.
Techy said:
thats cool, downloading it now.
But before you join a 'team' ... would you be interested if Ian gets a PCReview Team up 'n running?

You can move from Team to team, and you take your points ... but that can lead to err, a little falling out, if not on good terms with other team members.

I would like to see a PCReview Team. :thumb:
when does it run? when the sreensaver is on ? im running UD all the time my PC is on and its using about 60% CPU power, the only exception is playing games or anything that needs alot of CPU power, my PC rarely gets left longer than 5 mins, so can i just have it running in the background all the time ?
Me__2001 said:
when does it run? when the sreensaver is on ? im running UD all the time my PC is on and its using about 60% CPU power, the only exception is playing games or anything that needs alot of CPU power, my PC rarely gets left longer than 5 mins, so can i just have it running in the background all the time ?
The 'guy' that helped UD initially, runs FaD ... but his program "Think" got ousted for that new thing UD use now ... have you had big problems with UD? 'cos they are leaving in the dozens and coming over to FaD. :D

It is better than UDs proggie, not as colourful, but it does the same job, faster and a more fair allocation of points you get.

I have run everything I can think of and I can assure you that FaD (Think) does not interfere with the normal operation of your PC ... including games.

You can "run" it all the time or just as a screen saver ... it will run on a laptop with mains power on, and go to sleep automatically if you run the laptop on battery, and come back to life when you switch back to mains, now that is clever ... AND it runs on Linux. :thumb:
I've contacted them now in regards to creating a team, so should hear back soon :)
Ian Cunningham said:
I've contacted them now in regards to creating a team, so should hear back soon :)
Well ... I'll be in the lead, to start with. :D

... and you'll have to get a new section ready for answering all the "crunching" questions. :p

Nice one Boss. :thumb:
Floppy is banned from posting here.

:p :p :p :p :p :rolleyes: :p :p :p :p :p


Yes, all that Mucks said in first post.

I quit UD when it became clear they had no new Cancer work units to process and they tried to get everybody to sign up for a different program being used for (their) commercial gain.

I crunch to help find a cure for Cancer, not to line somebody's pockets.

If Mucks has plugged his team, PCQ & A, I'm gonna plug who I'm currently crunching for, team number 2219. We're presently at number 39. See [url=[/url]]Here. My team name is Sir Flops and I be at number nine within team.

But, as a PC Review team looks likely, that will the last time, in this thread, I mention that.

My current team's competition/rivalry with Muck's team and another team named The Teddies at number 24 is so intense that for the forseeable future I'm staying where I am.

The future may hold different.[/url]
Gotcha ...

My current team's competition/rivalry with Muck's team and another team named The Teddies at number 24 is so intense that for the forseeable future I'm staying where I am.
No problem with that my friend ... and maybe PCReview can overtake you all.

PC Review is now set up with 2250 as the team number :) Will sort out a page etc... tomorrow :D
damn, now my loyalties are being stretched, they really are, lol

*flops sits with thoughtful expression thinking deeply*
Dessions dessisions ...

Well I aint saying nuffin' Fopps ... err, yes I am.

I'll be there in a tick ... :D
PC Review (2250)

At the moment WE are ranked 223rd out of 232 teams ... HEY! not bad, we aint on the bottom. :D

Just to let everyone know ... WHEN you join, you wont show up :( untill your first 'job' comes in. :D

Servers are updated 12 noon 6pm 12 midnight & 6am ... :thumb:
I'll get set mine up tomorrow morning on the PCs here :) How do you get that image in your sig?
Well I'm in and we moved up to 180 position. err, thats 43 spots. :D

Don't know why my stats have no changed in my sig :rolleyes: will find out.
Congratulations to the new Team PC Review @ Find-a-Drug - Team PCQ&A will now keep a wary eye on our rear view mirror.
Hello you, nice to see you drop by ... :thumb:

I don't think you'll need the rear view mirror just yet, you never know though.

We'll put the wind up them 'Bitbenders' just give us a little time. :D
Owbist said:
Congratulations to the new Team PC Review @ Find-a-Drug - Team PCQ&A will now keep a wary eye on our rear view mirror.
Cheers Owbist :) Thankfully this is all for a good cause, so competition can only be good :D

Good luck :)
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