After what only 6 months and the just about zero help I found here I looked
OK If you can't connect or get the windows live call platform error here are
the things to try.
Uninstall your anti-virus and try it.
Uninstall windows blinds and try it. better yet tell WB not to skin your
messenger files. Read that works.
Delete your contacts.msi.
OK those 3 are found all over this one is a little bit less known and fixed
my problem.
The problem was with the live call service and NVIDIA Forceware Network
Access Manager (AKA Nvidia firewall) not messenger itself.
Now this was a pain on my system. I read to just uninstall NVIDIA Forceware
Network Access Manager from the remove software section. Well it wouldn't
So I ended up using another program to quarantine all the running processes
of NVIDIA Forceware Network Access Manager at startup. Later on I will go
thru the registry and try to manually remove all the references to the
But for now it is fixed....
Thanks to all the help I got from Microsoft
and all the ideas I got from the tons of helpful people here.
So I hope this helps someone out .
Please remember people if you ever find a fix go back to a few places and
post your solution. I promise you that you're not the only one with the same
OK If you can't connect or get the windows live call platform error here are
the things to try.
Uninstall your anti-virus and try it.
Uninstall windows blinds and try it. better yet tell WB not to skin your
messenger files. Read that works.
Delete your contacts.msi.
OK those 3 are found all over this one is a little bit less known and fixed
my problem.
The problem was with the live call service and NVIDIA Forceware Network
Access Manager (AKA Nvidia firewall) not messenger itself.
Now this was a pain on my system. I read to just uninstall NVIDIA Forceware
Network Access Manager from the remove software section. Well it wouldn't
So I ended up using another program to quarantine all the running processes
of NVIDIA Forceware Network Access Manager at startup. Later on I will go
thru the registry and try to manually remove all the references to the
But for now it is fixed....

and all the ideas I got from the tons of helpful people here.
So I hope this helps someone out .
Please remember people if you ever find a fix go back to a few places and
post your solution. I promise you that you're not the only one with the same