Filtering within forms



Hi I am running some filters on a mainform/subform.
The main form is based on a query
The first two work Ok, the third doesn't, and i cant work out why.

1.FilterField: DCount("*","tblRequests","[RecordID]=" & [RecordID] & " And
2.EnableFilter: DCount("*","tblSWPurchases","[RecordID]=" & [RecordID] & "
And [Software]='Enable'")
3.SCFilter: DCount("*","tblSWPurchases","[RecordID]=" & [RecordID] & " And
[Software]='The Shattered Crystal'")

I am getting an error: Field 'SCFilter' is based on an expression and cannot
be edited.

As far I can can see, all three are identically set up.

Can anyone tell me what is wrong



PS have a good Holiday

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