Peo, ... I remember something from a few years ago, where you *could* merge
cells and still retain the contents of *all* the cells included within the
Don't remember who, when, or why, but it had to do with the "Format
Just tried it out now, and I'll be damned, it *does work* on my XL02
Populate all 3 cells, A1:C1, with anything, text and/or numbers.
Select any 3 *other* cells in a row, and merge them the normal way,
<Format> <Cell> <Alignment> tab, and click on "Merge".
Click in these merged cells and then click on "Format Painter".
Now, click on A1 to copy the merge format to those cells.
The merge displays normally, with only the contents of A1 being displayed.
With the A1:C1 merge selected, once again,
<Format> <Cell> <Alignment> tab, and click on "Merge" to *de-select* it,
then <OK>.
AND ... you'll see the original data displayed ... in all 3 cells ! ! !
Kind of weird, isn't it?
Would MS call this a "feature"?<bg>
Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit !
Did you really merge the cells? Have you looked up merge cells in help? It
clearly states that except for the upper leftmost cell's contents the rest
will be deleted. It even warns you when you are doing this:
"The selection contains multiple data values. Merging into one cell will
keep the upper-left most data only."
Of course if you concatenated as opposed to merge this won't happen, then it
is only a matter of making the column wider. If you really merged the cells
under format>cells>alignment>merge cells then the error is between the chair
and the computer
Peo Sjoblom