I would like to filter this search.
there's some folder that it is not necessary.
it begin with "X" or "D" + 5 numbers
Do you have a idea on how apply this?
many thanks by advance,
If (oSubFolder <> "X") Then
For Each oSubFolder In oParentFolder.Subfolders
'Cells(lngR, 1).Value = oSubFolder.Name
Cells(lngR, 1).Value = oSubFolder.Path
lngR = lngR + 1
ListSubFolders oSubFolder, lngR
Next 'oSubFolder
End If
End Function
I would like to filter this search.
there's some folder that it is not necessary.
it begin with "X" or "D" + 5 numbers
Do you have a idea on how apply this?
many thanks by advance,
If (oSubFolder <> "X") Then
For Each oSubFolder In oParentFolder.Subfolders
'Cells(lngR, 1).Value = oSubFolder.Name
Cells(lngR, 1).Value = oSubFolder.Path
lngR = lngR + 1
ListSubFolders oSubFolder, lngR
Next 'oSubFolder
End If
End Function