I'm currently taking an Introduction to MS Word 2007 on-line course and am
having a problem with filtering files using wildcards. The instructor gave
us the following info:
What if you wanted to find all files that ended with a certain sequence of
characters? Well, here's an example: suppose you need a list of all files
that end with the word budget, such as 2003 budget, or 2004 BUDGET, or First
Quarter Budget or Division E Materials Budget, or even fussbudget.
Well, here's all you need to do: click in the File Name field and type the
This does not work? Am I doing something wrong, or is the info the
instrucior gave incorrect?
having a problem with filtering files using wildcards. The instructor gave
us the following info:
What if you wanted to find all files that ended with a certain sequence of
characters? Well, here's an example: suppose you need a list of all files
that end with the word budget, such as 2003 budget, or 2004 BUDGET, or First
Quarter Budget or Division E Materials Budget, or even fussbudget.
Well, here's all you need to do: click in the File Name field and type the
This does not work? Am I doing something wrong, or is the info the
instrucior gave incorrect?