Filtering by Cell Background Color

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I have a large populated spreadsheet. Certain random cells of this
spreadsheet have a background color of red. Is there anyway to go down each
row of the spreadsheet and filter out all the rows that have a cell with the
background color of red? The colored cells are located in different columns.
I need to filter/sort and get rid of the rows that have no color at all.
(that is - the colored cells are of importance)

I tried to seach for similar problems on here but found none. Any help
would be appreciated.

Sub DeleteRows()
Dim lastrow as long, lastColumn as Long
Dim i as Long, j as Long
Dim bColored as Boolean
LastRow = 500
LastColumn = 26
for i = lastrow to 2 step -1
bcolored = False
for j = 1 to lastcolumn
if cells(i,j).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone then
bcolored = True
exit for
end if
if not bColored then
End if
End if

Set values for LastRow and LastColumn
Hi Terrel,
you can use user defined function like this.

Function tellmecolor(colorcell As Range) As Integer
tellmecolor = colorcell.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

to get the colorindexes of cells and then use filter on the colorindex
I can work around the not-deleting by making a copy of the sheet and then
running the code on it.

The code you provided was of great help. Thank you again.
Sub DeleteRows()
Dim lastrow as long, lastColumn as Long
Dim i as Long, j as Long
Dim bColored as Boolean
LastRow = 500
LastColumn = 26
Rows.Hidden = False
for i = lastrow to 2 step -1
bcolored = False
for j = 1 to lastcolumn
if cells(i,j).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone then
bcolored = True
exit for
end if
if not bColored then
rows(i).Hidden = True
End if
End if

Hides the uncolored rows.
The data I wish to filter exists in a single column (e4:e900) of two
differing colors. I have used the user defined function:

Function tellmecolor(colorcell As Range) As Integer
tellmecolor = colorcell.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

to define the values of my interior cell colors thus:
red = 3
green = 10

Now I can't figure out how to use the user defined function to place an
integer in each cell within the (e4:e900) range so I can filter out the 10's.

The user defined function as written only places a single integer in the
cell selected. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Insert a new column F.

Select F4:F900
Type this:
and hit ctrl-enter to fill the selection with the formula (excel will adjust the
row number).
The data I wish to filter exists in a single column (e4:e900) of two
differing colors. I have used the user defined function:

Function tellmecolor(colorcell As Range) As Integer
tellmecolor = colorcell.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

to define the values of my interior cell colors thus:
red = 3
green = 10

Now I can't figure out how to use the user defined function to place an
integer in each cell within the (e4:e900) range so I can filter out the

Dave gave you a Macro-As-Formula solution, but since you posted in the
excel.programming newsgroup, the possibility exists that you were looking
for a single function call to do all the work (for example, in response to
the click of a CommandButton). This modification to your function will do

Function TellMeColor(ColorCells As Range) As Integer
Dim R As Range
For Each R In ColorCells
R.Value = R.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

If you go with the CommandButton activation method, here is what its Click
event would look like...

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
TellMeColor Range("E4:E900")
End Sub

for the fixed range you specified. If you wanted the function to operate on
a user defined selection, the Click event would look like this...

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
TellMeColor Selection
End Sub

Just highlight the cells of interest and click the button.

MS 2007 allows you to filter by cell color, but it's not working correctly.
When I filter on a selected color the system doesn't filter all of the cells
with the color and it displays some cells with a totally different color.
Any ideas?
Hi smierau

If you want send me a workbook with this problem private and
I will create a bug report if I can reproduce it