I'd suggest using an unbound dialogue form with a multi-select list box
(lstEmployees) for the employees, a text box (txtItem) for the item, a text
box (txtQuantity with a DefaultValue property of 1) for the quantity and a
'Confirm' button.
The list box would be set up like so:
RowSource: SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName & " " & LastName AS FullName
FROM tblEmployees ORDER BY LastName, FirstName;
BoundColum: 1
ColumnCount: 2
ColumnWidths: 0cm;8cm
MultiSelect: Either 'simple' or 'extended' as desired.
The code for the button's Click event procedure would go like this:
Dim dbs as DAO.Database
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strEmployeeList As String
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim ctrl As Control
Set dbs = CurrentDB
Set ctrl = Me.lstEmployees
If IsNull(Me.txtItem) Then
MsgBox "No item entered.", vbExclamation, "Invalid Operation"
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNull(Me.txtQuantity) Then
MsgBox "No quantity entered.", vbExclamation, "Invalid Operation"
Exit Sub
End If
If ctrl.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In ctrl.ItemsSelected
strEmployeeList = strEmployeeList & "," & ctrl.ItemData(varItem)
Next varItem
' remove leading comma
strEmployeeList = Mid(strEmployeeList, 2)
strCriteria = "EmployeeID IN(" & strEmployeeList & ")"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Orders(Item, Quantity, EmployeeID)" & _
"SELECT """ & Me.txtItem & """, " & Me.txtQuantity & ", " & _
"EmployeeID FROM Employees WHERE " & strCriteria
dbs.Execute strSQL
MsgBox "No employees selected", vbInformation, "Warning"
End If
This would insert rows into the Orders table with values for each selected
employee from the list, and the item and quantity entered. NB: I've not
included any error handling.
Ideally you'd have a table Items listing all items so that, instead of the
txtItem control you could have a cboItems combo box to select an item. The
Items table would probably have a numeric (e.g. an autonumber) ItemID as its
primary key, and a corresponding ItemID column of long integer number data
type as a foreign key. The code to build the SQL statement would then be
amended as follows:
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Orders(Item, Quantity, EmployeeID)" & _
"SELECT " & Me.cboItem & ", " & Me.txtQuantity & ", " & _
"EmployeeID FROM Employees WHERE " & strCriteria
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
Thank you so much for putting in this time. Let me clarify. I
misstated the business scenario - I should have said: "We know that
some subset of employees at some subset of offices will get MonitorA."
The reason why I envisioned the filtered form, rather than a list box,
is because we have over 5,000 employees at over 300 offices. If we are
going to send, say, 2,000 CPUs to employees at 100 offices, then I
would rather my data entry person have the ability to filter on any
number of criteria, e.g., Region, City, OfficeID, Cost Center,
CustomerType, to narrow down the recordset. The list box approach
makes us find and select the customers, whereas the filter approach
finds them for us.
I have already built the "Filter Customer" form and the "Pick Item
from Combobox" form - now I just need to combine the CustomerID with
the picked Item and append those combinations to the Orders table,
with Quantity = 1 (no more, no less). Does that sound reasonable?