I have 3 tables:
Posts (PostID, ...)
PostsTags (PostID, TagID)
Tags (TagID, Name)
PostsTags associate each post to one or many tags.
I need to select all posts associated to a tag given the tag's name.
If the given tag's name is null then return all posts.
I have the following:
posts = (from p in database.Posts
let tags = p.PostsTags.Where(pt => pt.Tag.Name == tag ||
tag == null).Select(pt => pt.Tag).DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby p.UpdatedAt descending
select new PostLeaf {
Post = p,
Tags = tags.ToList(),
TagsCSV = string.Join(", ", tags.Select(t =>
}).ToPagedList(page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0,
When I run this code with a certain tag what I get ALL posts. They are
not filtered.
However, all the posts that are not associated to that tag their
TagsCSV property is empty.
What am I missing here?
I have 3 tables:
Posts (PostID, ...)
PostsTags (PostID, TagID)
Tags (TagID, Name)
PostsTags associate each post to one or many tags.
I need to select all posts associated to a tag given the tag's name.
If the given tag's name is null then return all posts.
I have the following:
posts = (from p in database.Posts
let tags = p.PostsTags.Where(pt => pt.Tag.Name == tag ||
tag == null).Select(pt => pt.Tag).DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby p.UpdatedAt descending
select new PostLeaf {
Post = p,
Tags = tags.ToList(),
TagsCSV = string.Join(", ", tags.Select(t =>
}).ToPagedList(page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0,
When I run this code with a certain tag what I get ALL posts. They are
not filtered.
However, all the posts that are not associated to that tag their
TagsCSV property is empty.
What am I missing here?