Filter when using a combobox

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Not so good to write english, so I hope you understand what I want.

I have a form with a combobox where I select Items.
Then a new list shows the items.
My question are in my items table I have a fild I call Active
if the item are active I sett the number 1 if is not active I set the number 0
So when I select a item in my combobox, I will only show the active items.

Hope you understad what I mean.
Thank for al answers


If I understand correctly, you want your combobox to show only items that
are Active (=1).

If you modify the query that your combobox uses as a source, you can set the
criterion of the field you've named "Active" to be =1. Then the combobox
should only list those items.
Okey my I wrote it litle bit wrong
I have that combobox showing category
I have a mainform and a subform
When I select one categori then it list up all items in a table in that for
When I select by cliking in on item the subform list how many items i have
sold and some other info.
So when i first select in the combobox then I want to filter out not active
items in a mainform (table) form. Hope you understad this

Thanks for all help

It isn't clear to me what:
the source of the mainform is,
the source of the subform is,
how you have connected the mainform and subform,
the source of the combobox is,
what table structure/data you have

More information, please...

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Sorry for the delay in responding -- my "day job" takes up much time.

I'd prefer not to visit sites or download attachments. Perhaps another
reader of the 'group can offer suggestions from that basis.

My response is still as it was in my previous post. If you'd like me to
understand how the data you are displaying in your combobox, main form, and
subform are (inter-)related, please provide more information about the data.