You could filter the data.
First, select the entire header row of your list.
Then use <Data> <Filter> <Auto Filter>,
Click the "down arrow" in the Titles column, and choose "Custom".
The left box should say "Equals",
In the right box enter
*game theory*
Then <OK>.
You should now have all the rows displayed where your string is part of the
Another option is to place an "X" in a separate column in each row that
would have your string contained in the title.
With the titles in column A, try this starting in row2 of an empty column:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("game theory",A2)),"X","")
Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!
I have a list of books titles and need to extract the rows that contain the
words "game theory" in them. Does anyone have suggestions on how I can do
this? I am stumped and need this by tomorrow!!
Thanks in advanced!