-----Original Message-----
Thanks, I tried that and was not able to get the data I
wanted. Perhaps I am not setting the criteria properly.
I have two fields called Order Qty and Total Shipped Qty.
I want to see only those records that have a Total Shipped
Qty that is less than the Order Quantity. Can you explain
how to set the criteria in the query?
-----Original Message-----
Base your report off a query which is based on your table
-----Original Message-----
The resource for one of my reports is a table. I want
only view specific data ie. show me all records where
value of one field is greater than zero. What is the
way to achieve this? How can I filter the report data?
need step by step instructions on filtering to achieve
this goal.
When you have a problem like this, it's best to include the actual
criteria you used. Saying something doesn't work is of no help to us
unless we see what it is you have done.
Here is an SQL.
SELECT tblBasicData.*
FROM tblBasicData
WHERE (((tblBasicData.TotalShippedQty)<[OrderQty]));
Change tblBasicData to your table name.
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