Hi Dan
Sounds like the query is referring to something that it can't find.
What do you mean by A-Z filter buttons?
Are these your own buttons? If so, what is the code behind them and what is
the SQL of the query?
Andy Hull
The A-Z Buttons Are Macro Based 27 It Total Included an All Button,
( Toggle Buttons) With a Group Box "CompanyNameFilters"
And On The
After Update
I Have A Macro, Called Alpha_Buttons
I Typical Line On In The macro is
Condition Action
[CompanyNameFilters]=1 [Company] Like "[A@ABCD]*"
And So On, and Then That Filters My form Via Alphabetical
Then Me SQL View Of My Query Is
SELECT Suppliers.CompanyID, Suppliers.Company, Suppliers.[Contact
Name], Suppliers.[Address 1], Suppliers.[Address 2], Suppliers.
[Address 3], Suppliers.Town, Suppliers.County, Suppliers.[Post Code],
Suppliers.Region, Suppliers.Tel, Suppliers.Fax, Suppliers.Mobile,
Suppliers.Email, Suppliers.Website, Suppliers.[Home Telephone],
Suppliers.[Home Fax], Suppliers.[Personal Mobile], Suppliers.[Personal
Email], Suppliers.[Account Number], Suppliers.Type, Suppliers.
[Supplier Notes], Suppliers.[Recieve by Letter], Suppliers.[Recieve by
CD-Rom], Suppliers.[Recieve by Email], Suppliers.[Recieve by Fax],
Suppliers.Rating, Suppliers.Preferred
FROM Suppliers
WHERE (((Suppliers.[Post Code]) Like "*" & [Forms]!
[Suppliers_PostCode_Dialog]![EnterPostCode] & "*"));
Which Allows Me TYPE WS as Post Code, If you Remember you Assisted
Recent Post
And It Filters All The Company's With a Postcode Beginning With WS
I Might Fliter about 100 Companys Back, So Then I Might Want To Just
Look at The Company's With a Name Beginning With D
Make Sense?