Filter Juction Table and related tables

  • Thread starter Thread starter sebastico
  • Start date Start date



I have a Relational DB in Access 2003. I have a Junction Table with (PK OOB
and WordID) Keys. The Junction Table is linked many to One to TOOB and TWrd.
TOOB [ObrID(PK), Fld1, Fld2, Fld3, Fld4 and Fld5]
TWrd[(WrdID(PK), WordName}

I need to filter in an unbound txtbox by Wordname entering one, two, three
or four words separated by OR or AND operator (Which operator you

In my continuous form in the Form Header I have an unbound txtFilter to
enter the words and a bButton (bFilter) to trigger the search. When records
are identified in Junction Table, records from TOOB must be displayed in
Header in the fileds from TOOB

Previously, I have been doing this and somebody from this forum has sent to
me some lines of code. However, I still not able to access the code in the

Bear in mind I'm still beginning to vba. Could you fellows help me with
lines of code to achieve my objectives? If possible, please include a
comment each code line to understand the program

Many thanks before hand
In my previous message 3rd paragraph the correct sentence is:
"When records are identified in Junction Table, records from TOOB must be
displayed in Detail Section of the Form. The Detail section includes all
fields (as txtboxes) form table TOOB.